Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Tower de Gourze

The weather forecast said that we would get good start today, but with clouds quickly arriving and then rain all afternoon and evening.
I decided that we should venture out early as we were going for a hike to the Tower de Gourze. It was on the top of a hill, nearly 1,000 metres above sea level, and to get there we had to walk up through the vineyards.
We set off with the lake in full view behind us, but we had to walk quickly as within minutes the lake was completely obscured by thick white clouds, and they gradually billowed and chased us up the hill.
What a hill it was too. The signposts showed that the gradient was up to 30 degrees in sections, and it was really hard going. It didn't seem to bother the locals, although we didn't see any walking! The roads were incredibly steep, narrow and twisty turny, but they whizzed up and down them in their cars and little trucks without a care in the world.
The only other pedestrians that we saw all day were some curious cows, and I was pleased when we eventually spotted the Tower in the distance. My guidebook had made it sound very attractive and ancient, but unfortunately it looked like a square 1960's style office block without any windows.
Not to be deterred we climbed the stairs to the top, had a quick look at the view and then plunged back downhill towards the lake.
We got back just as the first drops of rain started, but with our exercise done for the day, we settled down for a relaxing afternoon indoors. 

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