Tuesday 6 March 2018

Angkor Wat on bicycles

Elaine and Mark have now joined us and our first outing was a cycle ride to Angkor Wat and the surrounding area. We set off in the mid day sun for the 7 kilometre ride to the temple, but couldn't find the ticket office.
It was hidden quite a long way away so we had to retrace our steps, get the tickets and eventually get inside the complex. To get to Angkor Wat we had to cross a floating bridge and Darren was pleased to find that he was still the tallest of our group. 
It was very quiet inside and at times we had it all to ourselves. We stayed for ages, just wandering around taking in the sights. 
We stopped in the temple grounds for late lunch at a street restaurant, and the food was really good.  A chicken family including a large rooster pecked around our feet as we ate. 
The owner was lovely and after lunch she took us down to the best viewpoint of Angkor Wat and did a little photo shoot for us. 
After lunch I took us on a very long wild goose chase trying to find the Ta Phrom temple, and by the time we got there we were exhausted and it was getting very late. 
Elaine was refused entry as her shorts were too short, but we didn't realise so went inside. I met up with Mark who told me about Elaine, but then we couldn't find Darren, and we spent our whole time trying to find each other and then the exit.  Ironically, the guard changed their minds and let Elaine in, but we never saw her so, so she had a lovely time on her own. We got outside, couldn't find Elaine so had a mini panic. 
Once this slapstick was over we fought our way back through the traffic and collapsed into the hotel pool to cool off. 

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