Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Gyeonghwa station

Gyeonghwa station is number five of the 'Top 50 beautiful sceneries of Korea', according to the leaflet I was given by Tourist Information.
We went to visit it as we saw a brilliant photo on the Internet.  It was of a train driving through a tunnel of cherry blossom trees, with all of the petals floating around it like a blizzard.
We were among thousands of Koreans who were also there to take that photo.
The trains only run every hour or so, so in the meantime, everyone entertains themselves by posing on the track. Check out the couple on the left of the second pic - they have a little sign that says 'only you'.
When the train arrived it went through at walking pace and unfortunately, the flowers are in full bloom, but the petals haven't started to fall yet, so we are all a few days early for the perfect shot.

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