Sunday, 19 July 2015


Out and about with Elaine and Mark, this time discovering the ancient village of Lavenham. It is full of timber framed buildings, and although I am sure that they were straight when they were built, over time they have twisted and warped completely out of shape.
We went for coffee and cakes in one of the most misshapen ones. It was very cosy inside, but stuffed full of bits and bobs, with hardly any room for tables, chairs or potential diners.
The lady who served us seemed incredibly stressed, and she fussed and panicked around us as we attempted climb into our seats.
The cakes were fantastic though, and all arrived with clotted cream and fresh strawberries, so it was well worth the visit.
We also walked around the village, and the three of them admired views, while I tried to take some interesting photos. I asked them to pose for a shot, but for some reason they all look as if they have turned into players from a Subbuteo football game.
It was lovely place, but all too soon Elaine and Mark had to head back home, and are back on our own again, if only for a few days.

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