Monday, 13 January 2020

Crane day

We spent a worrying night waiting to see how windy it would be this morning. The weather forecast was dodgy, but at 8am it was calm and clear and the crane soon rolled into sight.
The driver and his mate were very friendly and confident that all would go smoothly, so I started to calm down a bit.
The first steel was quickly in the air, and dropped gently on to the front of the house.

Next it was on to the difficult bit, and we had three steels put down on to road so that we could bolt them together to make a goal post shape. It was then lifted and headed to the back of the house. 

There was only a few millimetres to spare on each side as it was lowered in between the brickwork. 

It took a bit of time to get it in to exactly the right place, but then suddenly it was in and every single bolt fitted perfectly. It was completely square and a fantastic build by our steel fabricator, Phil from Cokwick. 

Now at last it is up and we can sleep better and carry on with the rest of the work. 

Just got to hope that Storm Brenda is gentle with us in the next couple of days. 

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