Friday 31 January 2020

Measuring up for our triple glazing

We have been anticipating the visit of the glazing measurer for a very long time. We had lots of questions for him and once he saw our house he had lots of questions for us too!
He suggested that we start at the top of the house, which I thought was a bad idea, but at least we could get the worst problems out of the way.

We are missing a few walls, which made measuring up difficult, but what we decided upon is to agree a size and then we would make sure that we build to match it.
The staircase was also a problem, and we have lots to do before any window can go near it.

I am only showing the worst bits here, and lots of the windows are straightforward, but one last photo of the current state of the front bedroom window.

We have about ten weeks to get it all built and ready, and I am confident that we will hit the target.

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