Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Parakeet heaven

I have cheated today as I took these photos a couple of days ago.
All along the seafront on the Costa del Sol are beautiful and very tall palm trees that are home to thousands of green parakeets.
They always seem very happy and we often watch them flying in large flocks, screeching loudly to each other as they fly from tree to tree.
Over the past few days they have started building nests, collecting large twigs from the ground then disappearing out of sight into the centre of the palm trees.
I was really pleased to catch this pair whose nest looks immaculate already, surely it won't be long before chicks start appearing.
By the way, the blue and white striped lighthouse is on the seafront at Torre del Mar and on our last morning there today we both ran 5kms past it along the beach.
We set off just as it started to rain and it got heavier and windier all of the way round. We got soaked through, but it definitely helped to speed me up and run my fastest time for ages.
Better weather forecast for tomorrow.

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