Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Half Moon Bay, California

Our first day in California!
Yesterday was really long, 35 hours including the 9 hour time difference. Fortunately it all went to plan and we weren't even too tired when we arrived.
We are staying for a few days near San José with our friend Jacques, who has very, very kindly lent us his Porsche for the day.
Daz got behind the wheel, flipped the switch to roll back the roof and we headed for a shopping mall.  We spent about four hours wandering around the shops before eventually dragging ourselves back out into the daylight.
We then drove on to the freeway and headed to the coast. It was a very different driving experience to our campervan - usually we are in the van looking down on the other traffic, while chugging slowly along almost empty roads.
Today we were almost at floor level, zipping in and out of the traffic on a busy 10 lane freeway that was filled with huge American trucks and station wagons. The Porsche also whizzes silently around corners, whereas in the van all of the plates and glasses rattle and there is always the chance that the fridge door will fly open with cheese and tomatoes landing everywhere.
Anyway, we went to see the Pacific Ocean at Half Moon Bay - it was beautiful, but probably the best bit was driving back along the freeway to Jacques' house.

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