Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Highlights of Melaka

Busy day today, lots of highlights and some lower moments too:-
- There are three Tourist Information Offices in Melaka, two are closed for renovations. Found the closed two really easily and then wandering around for ages trying to third.
- Failing the above task so still without a decent map of the area.
- Trying to join the boat trip by standing on the jetty with my arm outstretched (like it said on the notice) and the boat going by without stopping, and all of the tourists on board smirking at us.
- Climbing through a window on to a roof terrace at the Birds Nest Soup place (apparently they have lost the key to the door) to see where the sea used to come to.
-Sitting in a bar, drinking a gin and tonic watching the swifts flying above, thinking of how much new spit they were making.
- Visiting the Baba and Nyonya Museum and being shown around by a very funny but extremely bossy tour guide. Taking our shoes off to go upstairs and then watching as a Japanese tourist who arrived late appeared at the top of the stairs wearing a suit and Daz's orange flip flops.
- Trying to decide what to do about the last point.


  1. what did you do about the last point

  2. Well, Darren took his flip flops off because a notice at the bottom of the stairs told him to. The Japanese man in the suit also read it and took his shoes off, then obviously thought that the flip flops had been left there for him to wear for the upstairs floor. I whispered to thebossy tour guide and she made him take them off and Darren was able to rescue them.
