Tuesday, 3 March 2015

La Mena to Macenas

I stopped by at the local Tourist Information office yesterday and the lady gave me a photocopied sheet of paper with the La Mena to Macenas trail on it.
The translation to English was very poor and it took us three attempts before we found the start.
However, once we were on it the route was easy to follow and was amazing. We enjoyed 'the opportunity to observe this part of litoral Almería with views alerting us to the beauty of the Pedestrian Route, '
We walked over rocky cliffs then reached Macenas Castle, which looked very exotic and is built on sand right on the beach.
Up until this point we had seen a few other walkers but after this we were on our own for the rest of the journey.
We reached the Perulico Tower and climbed a ladder to the top of it. The views in both directions were brilliant and we could see another similar tower in the distance, so I guess that they used to signal to each other.
To make it even more amazing, right next to it was a rock bridge with little waves washing through it.
We carried on up to the top of a hill with an observatory on the top and then back down to sea level.
Just over 10kms of glorious sea views, with a bit of history thrown in.

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