Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Norfolk Broads

We have been taking a break for a few days (!)  and have been seeing friends and family, staying in a normal bed in normal houses, and going to a wedding.
We are now back on the road again and at Ludham in the Norfolk Broads.
It seems a lovely area, but we have the wrong mode of transport. What we need is a boat, but what we have are two bicycles. The roads stay well clear of the water so we only get to glimpse it occasionally.
I then had the idea of taking a walk along a footpath  along the river bank.
Unfortunately, the water reeds were so tall that we couldn't see the water, or where we were putting our feet, so we had to turn back .
The weather is excellent though and I am going to learn from today's mistakes and see more of the sights tomorrow.

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