Monday, 8 December 2014

Day trip to Morocco

Exciting day trip today to Tangiers,  Morocco.
The ferry took about an hour, and then we stepped off on to African soil!
Our tour guide, Rashid, loaded Darren and I, two New Zealanders, and a Spanish family onto a bus and then we were off.
First stop was a dromedary ride. I had thought it was a camel, but Rashid said that camels have two humps and that under that blanket, and my bottom, was only one.
It didn't really matter as it was bouncy and uncomfortable. Pretty exciting though, for me, not the dromedary I think.
Next stop was a walk around the médina - the old town. The streets were only a few feet wide, some only shoulder width in places, and it was like a maze with twists and turns everywhere. It was also really dark as the buildings were very tall and there were tiny shops full of spices, fruit, olives, dates, lots of unidentified items, whole chickens and other meat hanging from hooks. 
Jason Bourne was chased by a baddie across the rooftops a few years ago, and he actually jumped off a roof and straight through a window on the other side of the street!
Apparently, the next James Bond film (Spectre) is also going to shoot here too. We went up to the rooftop of a carpet shop and the view was amazing - even I could imagine jumping from roof to roof.
Even more amazing was that we managed to get out of the shop without buying a carpet.
No such luck in the hand woven scarf shop as Christmas came early for both me and Daz.
Ps, we also went to the kasbah,  I didn't know what one was, and it turned out to be a castle.

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