Sunday, 5 January 2014

BSB to Miri

Having to cheat a bit with the photos today as we spent the whole day travelling from BSB to Miri.
We had a good time in Brunei and watched Long Tailed Macaque monkeys playing in the trees opposite from our hotel bedroom window.
We also went to see the Mosque again after dark and it was beautifully lit up against the night sky.
Made a major error today as we read in the Lonely Planet that we needed to set off early and take at least three different buses and a ferry to complete our journey.
However, it turns out that this info is out of date and there are now two direct buses, one at 7.30am and the second at 1pm. We set off at 9am and caught two old and tatty buses to near the border of Brunei and Malaysia. We then found out that we had nearly a four hour wait for the next bus.
When it arrived it turned out to be the 1pm direct bus and we could have spent the morning in our hotel and then travelled in comfort.

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