Sunday, 19 January 2014

Southern ridge walk, Singapore

I can't believe how clean, tidy and well organised it is here in Singapore. I haven't seen a single piece of litter, and the streets and pavements are immaculate.
We caught the MRT train to HarbourFront and set off on a well marked trail. We climbed a steep hill to the top, and joined other tourists who had come up on the cable car.
Our walk was mainly through beautiful jungle paths, with lots of signs warning about monkeys. After a few minutes we reached the Henderson Wave. It is a pedestrian bridge that is 36 metres high and crosses a major road. It is a beautiful structure that curves and waves across the gap.
We carried on walking and came to a raised canopy that must have been over a kilometre long. It was really busy on a Sunday morning and it was lovely to see lots of people out enjoying the scenery.
In total we walked about 10 k and we ended up at another MRT station so we hopped on a train and headed back to put our feet up.

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