Monday, 12 May 2014

Chateau de Chambord

Exciting days cycling today to Chateau de Chambord. All went well for the first 10k, but then we came up against some cycling issues. Firstly Daz had two punctures which delayed us by about half hour.
If we hadn't been delayed, we would have reached the Chateau before a torrential rain shower started.
Instead, we arrived soaked through and freezing cold.
Our first stop was the cafe for coffee to warm up. Once the feeling came back to our extremities, we set off to explore.
The building of the Chateau began in 1519, and it is enormous - 426 rooms, 282 fireplaces and 77 staircases. Most of the doors were firmly closed, but we spent a couple of hours exploring.  It is magnificent, but very cold, large and and unwelcoming. Or maybe we thought that because we were chilly already.
Had a lucky break on the way home as we could see dramatic storm clouds everywhere around us, but we made it back without a second soaking.

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