Thursday, 7 February 2019

Alor Setar to Butterworth

Yesterday we caught a very crowded train the 90 kilometres from Alor Setar to Butterworth.
Butterworth is just across the sea from Penang, but is much cheaper and with much less to see or do.
We have booked an apartment for a couple of nights, and the two main attractions of it are a huge swimming pool and a washing machine. Great excitement occurred as we emptied out our suitcases into the machine, and then hung all of our washing out on the little balcony.
Next item on the agenda was the pool, which was fantastic.
Darren looked online and there is only one cultural thing to do in Butterworth, and that is an art walk. We walked to it in the full glare of the mid day sun, but it was so much better than expected.
 I have translated my speech bubble and I am actually saying 'one sugar cane', so I think that I am over acting a bit here.

On the way home we tried in vain to find a fresh fruit or vegetable shop, but due to Chinese New Year almost everywhere is closed. Since we arrived we have only found cakes and snacks to eat, so we were getting a bit desperate.
This evening we caught a taxi to a shopping mall and found a supermarket. I got so overexcited in the veg aisle that I brought a bunch of carrots, celery and half a cabbage. Daz tried to persuade me against buying the cabbage, but I took no notice, so now I will have to eat it for breakfast tomorrow.

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