Thursday, 28 February 2019

Daytrip to Kagoshima

9.00am - sitting in bed looking at the map wondering where to go today.
9.05am - decision made.
9.35am - buying cakes for breakfast in the mall in the station.
9.46am - queueing in the ticket office for reserved seats to Kagoshima.
9.48am to 9.51am - quick dash up to the platform.
9.54am - on the train and leaving the station.
11.29am - arriving exactly on time.

It was a last minute decision to visit
Kagoshima, based on half a page of information in my guidebook.
It is right at the far south west of Japan and about 140 miles away.
The guidebook stated that it had a beautiful ancient garden.

Also, there is a volcano on an island just off shore.

We spent a happy few hours wandering around the gardens and then up to a viewpoint with excellent views of the active volcano, called Sakurajima.
We got back to the train station with half an hour to spare so decided to have a look around.
In the distance we could see the volcano and it looked as if it was smoking, so we looked around for higher ground to get a better view.
On the sixth form floor of a shopping centre was a big wheel, although we were a bit short of time.
16.18 - get on the big wheel

16.20 to 16.28 - amazing views from the top of a terrifying big wheel of a gently erupting volcano.
16.29 to 16.34 - frantic rush through the mall to the station.
16.35 - jump on board the train.
16.38 - off we go on our journey home.

Exciting day with some added tension.

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