Thursday, 7 August 2014

Four seasons on Ben Nevis

I exaggerate of course, as it never seems like summer in Scotland. Discounting that, it was quite spring like (temperature wise) as we set off up Ben Nevis.
As we headed higher, then out came our anoraks, plastic trousers, gloves and hats, so we were dressed appropriately by the time we trudged across the snow towards the top.
Once there it was absolutely freezing and the cloud cover was thick and wet.
We ate our sandwiches quickly amongst the crowds of other successful Munroers, then quickly headed down to try and warm up.
The cloud kept disappearing then covering us again, giving us glimpses of the fantastic view - we even very briefly saw a rainbow.
We could see our campsite from right near the top (towards the bottom left on pic 5) and enjoyed the beautiful and ever changing view on the way down.
Darren broke the world record for the number of times he put on his waterproofs, then took them off on one journey.
Amazing day.
Steps for August - 171,055
Metres of vertical height added today - 1,344
Cumulative total - 4,689
Nearest mountain - Pico Pan de Azucar, Venezuela, 4,680 metres

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