Sunday, 10 August 2014

Lost in the forest

A bit of a mixed bag today, event wise.
We were all set for a mountain walk, cycled to the start point, then we walked up into the forest where we were expecting to shoot out the other side.
Unfortunately, we couldn't find the route and ended up paddling along to a dead end by a waterfall. In the end we gave up, just as the rain started, so we headed home for a brief sulk.
Mid afternoon we decided on a trip to Fort William and came across a game of what apparently is Scotland's national sport - shinty.
It is a sort of no rules hockey - just about the first action we saw was a player getting clonked on the head with an opponents stick. Lots of the players wear helmets, and the ball is hit high up into the air while the players leap up with sticks raised to hit it. We walked a long way in total today, but not too much vertical heigh, so here are the latest figures:
Cumulative number of steps in August - 215,687
Cumulative vertical height - 4,983
Nearest mountain height wise Pik Talgar,  Kazakhstan - 4,979

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