Thursday, 6 March 2014

Banaue to Batad

Thursday morning.
Caught a tricycle from Banaue and set off up the hill towards Batad. The road hugged the side of the mountains and it had been badly damaged by rock falls and flooding during the rainy season.
Lots of work was going on to repair it and we had to drive past workmen manually pushing boulders and diggers moving earth.
Eventually we turned off the main road and up a steep track. We had to sit right on the front of our seats and lean forwards to give more weight to the front wheels to get us over the rocky ground.
At one place we got completely stuck and Darren had to push to get us going again.
Once we reached the end top of the hill the road ended we set off walking down hundreds of steps to Batad.
There are no roads to it, so it is completely isolated and everything has to be carried along the route that we walked.
There is electricity, but it is very basic here and we are staying overnight at a guesthouse on the edge of the village.

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