Wednesday, 12 March 2014


I have to admit that we chose to come here because I liked the sound of the name.
Unfortunately, today the weather is still bad and during a break in the rain we headed down the beach for a look around, and to try and get our bearings.
The hotel where we are staying has no beach, but it has a little concrete path that heads off in to the sea and apparently straight to a snorkeling reef. If the weather calms down we will try it tomorrow.
We had an interesting bus ride here today. We got to the bus station and there is no timetable, the bus only leaves once it is full.
We were the last two people on board and we got two seats just behind the driver, on either side of the aisle beside other passengers.
There was nowhere to put our feet and between us was a metal luggage rack that dug in to the side of my bottom.
The bus driver was lovely and apologised for the lack of space, explaining to us that it was a Filipino sized bus.
Eventually the passenger sitting next to me got off and for a couple of happy minutes I had two small seats to myself. Not for long though, as then a tiny Filipino lady sat next to me with her boyfriend somewhere behind. They weren't very discreet and although it was good natured, I could tell that they were discussing how big I was and making jokes about me.
Felt a bit like a giant elephant in a zoo!

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